Beetroot (Beets)

Beetroot (Beta vulgaris) or just Beets, are generally grown for their swollen tap root, but the green tops it produces can also be used as a salad crop or as 'greens'. Beetroot are famous for the deep red colour, but many varieties are available that do not have that deep staining red colour.

How To Grow

Beetroot are generally grown from seed, sown direct in the ground in drills 1-2 cm deep and 15-20 cm apart. They can be sown indoors to get them off to a good start, but sow into modules to limit root disturbance, which they hate.If sown direct in the ground; thin seedlings to 5-10 cm apart (depending on how big you like your beets).All they need from then on is the occasional water and to be kept weed free.

How/When To Harvesting

Lift the beetroots when they are the required size. Be careful when lifting and handling as damage to the swollen tap-root will severely limit the time they can be stored. Beetroot are best stored in clamps, or in jars as picked beetroot but will keep for a couple of weeks in the fridge if undamaged.

Planting Schedules for Location: London, City of London

Sow Direct

Sow Direct

Sow Indoors / Plant Out

Sow Indoors
Plant Out
  • Sow Depth: 1 cm
  • Spacing Between Rows: 30 cm
  • Spacing Along Row: 10 cm
  • Number plants per Square Foot: 9