Courgette (Zucchini/Marrow)

Courgettes or Zucchini, like marrows, squashes and pumpkins all belong to the gourd family.

How To Grow

Sow three seeds at about 2.5 cms apart and the same deep. When the first true leaves have appeared, thin out to leave the strongest seedling. Make sure to water well and protect against slugs.

How/When To Harvesting

Continual cropping is essential to prolong fruiting. Cut the stalk of the fruit you want to harvest.

Planting Schedules for Location: London, City of London

Sow Direct

Sow Direct

Sow Indoors / Plant Out

Sow Indoors
Plant Out
  • Sow Depth: 2 cm
  • Spacing Between Rows: 90 cm
  • Spacing Along Row: 90 cm
  • Number plants per Square Foot: 0.5