Onion (Brown/Yellow)

Onions are one of the most useful vegetables a gardener can grow. Brown & white onions tend to be stronger in flavour than red onions.

How To Grow

Can be grown from seeds or onion sets. If growing from seed sow from February through to April in drills 1cm deep and 20cm between rows, sow the seed very thinly. Thin the plants to 5cm apart and later increase to 10cm apart (make sure your hoe can go between rows with plenty of room for the bulbs to grow), you can use the thinings to fill additional rows, water well after transplanting. If growing from sets plant out in March 10cm apart in rows 20cm apart. Push the sets into the soil so that the tip of the set is visible. Weed regularly between rows to control weeds.

How/When To Harvesting

When the onion leaves start to turn yellow and fall over, leave for a couple of weeks. Now lift with a fork cleaning off soil from the roots and leave them to dry. The remaining foliage and roots will will die back, if the weather is wet the drying process can be done in a greenhouse or shed.

Planting Schedules for Location: London, City of London

Sow Direct

Sow Direct

Sow Indoors / Plant Out

Sow Indoors
Plant Out
  • Sow Depth: 1 cm
  • Spacing Between Rows: 30 cm
  • Spacing Along Row: 15 cm
  • Number plants per Square Foot: 16