How to use the rectangular shape controls

This guide talks you through how to change the shape, size and rotation of rectagular items on VegPlotter vegetable garden and allotment planner

You can control the size, shape and rotation of any rectangular shaped item by selecting (clicking / tapping once on the item) then using either of the following methods:

Using item handles

Screenshot of the Rectangular shape handles used for controlling the shape, size and rotation of rectangular shaped items in VegPlotter

when the item is selected, you can change the size and shape of a rectangular item using the square yellow Size Controls shown in this screenshot.

You can also rotate rectangular items using the yellow circular handle shown

Note: Beds have an addition row direction control

This allows you to set the default row direction for each bed. Plant rows line up with this as you add them.

Using right hand menu fields

Screenshot of the Bed Details menu showing fields for controlling the shape, size and rotation of rectangular shaped items in VegPlotter

When a rectangular item is selected the item details menu is displayed in the right hand menu.

Here you can use the Width, Length, Rotation, and Row Direction fields to set the size and rotation values exactly.

Hit Update when you've entered the desired values to update the actual item.