VegPlotter Blog


How to setup an allotment in the traditional style

By Richard Lewis
Want an allotment in the traditional style?  This guide takes you through the key steps to setup up a traditional allotment.

The traditional method is by far the most popular style of allotment in the UK. It's simplicity and costs to setup are it's key strengths. In this guide we describe the approach and talk through the steps and options in creating an allotment or vegetable garden in this style.

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Now is the time to START planning next year

By Richard Lewis
If you manage a vegetable garden or allotment. Now is the time to start planning next year whilst you remember what you missed or what is growing well.

It might seem a long way off but now is the time to start thinking about what you want to grow next year.

As allotmenteers and kitchen gardeners we often get to that point in the year where we regret not planting something. The seasonality of growing your own fruit, vegetables and flowers provides limited windows of opportunity to sow or plant out. If you're not organised that opportunity can quickly slip by especially when you're busy in the spring.

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