VegPlotter Blog


Unleashing the Permaculture Power of Your Greenhouse

By Alex White

Greenhouses are a fantastic asset for any vegetable gardener, extending the growing season and allowing you to cultivate tender crops. But a greenhouse can be so much more than just a place to grow tomatoes. It can become a powerhouse of permaculture stacking functions, contributing to your garden's overall health and productivity in surprising ways. At VegPlotter, we believe in maximizing every element of your garden, and your greenhouse is no exception.

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Diversity - The Key To A Successful Garden

By Alex White

Permaculture, at its heart, is about working with nature, not against it. And one of the best ways to harness nature's power in your garden is through diversity. Forget the monoculture monotony – we're talking a vibrant mix of veggies, herbs, and flowers all jiving together in your veg patch.

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Living Mulch

By Alex White

Living Mulch: Nature’s Ultimate Soil Builder

Living mulch—covering the soil with plants—offers the most nourishing benefits of all. A soil blanketed with thriving plants is a vibrant, living system. Beneath the surface, a complex web of life takes place.

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Grow More with a Compost-Centric Garden

By Alex White

Permaculture gardening focuses on working with nature to create self-sustaining, productive, and low-maintenance growing systems. One highly effective design that embodies these principles is the circular vegetable bed with a central composting area. This setup boosts soil fertility, increases plant health, and makes the most of available space. It’s also surprisingly easy to plan using a garden planner such as the one found at, where you can map out this unique layout step by step.

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How to Protect Your Crops from Frost

By Alex White

As the gardening season approaches its cooler months, frost becomes a significant concern for gardeners. Frost can damage or even destroy tender plants, so taking preventive measures is crucial to ensure a successful harvest. Here are some effective strategies to protect your crops from frost and how incorporating a garden planner can enhance your efforts, by telling you what you can plant safely at different times of the year in your specific geographic location in the world.

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