VegPlotter Blog


Print your Plot

By Richard Lewis
This how to guide talks through how to print your VegPlotter vegetable garden plan.

If you want to refer to your vegetable garden plans in your garden or allotment. You have two choices: Take your mobile / cellular phone with you to the plot and use that to view your Vegplotter plot. Or another approach is print out a copy. This guide talks through how to print out an image of your VegPlotter garden plan.

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How to Delete Items From Your VegPlotter Plan

By Richard Lewis
Short guide explaining how to delete items from VegPlotter's free vegetable garden planning software

As you plan out your vegetable garden or allotment with VegPlotter. You will at some point need to delete items from your plan. This is how….

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How to select and move items as a group

By Richard Lewis
How to select and move items as a group in VegPlotter's free vegetable garden planner

VegPlotter allows you to select many items at once. You can then move or change them all as a group or use this to copy the settings of one item to all the others you’ve selected.

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How to Copy VegPlotter Items

By Richard Lewis
You can quickly design your vegetable garden using the duplicate feature of VegPlotter.

VegPlotter’s vegetable garden planning software allows you to design or replicate your allotment garden quickly. One of the features that enables this is the ability to duplicate (copy and paste) items.

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7 ways your smartphone can help you garden

By Richard Lewis
iPhones, Android on Windows Phones can all help you in the garden or allotment.  Here's how...

Disconnecting (from digital world) is a big plus for gardening. I have often left my phone at home to allow me to get away from it all and focus on the task a hand. But there are many benefits to taking your smartphone with you. This article points to some areas where you may find your smartphone beneficial.

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