VegPlotter Blog


Starting seeds indoors: tips and tricks for success

By Tina Lawlor Mottram
Half the gardening world is now frantically starting their seeds.  We have tips to help you get the best success.

After last week’s snow, I am determined to get started. I know that Richard already has his rows of tomato plants on his window sill, so I have some catching up to do. Wash out those pots from last year to make sure no snails are lurking in there and also to give your new seeds a disease-free environment. Check out which window in your house the sun hits for longest, and then get a tray ready with pots to house your new seedlings.

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Why is it important to prepare the soil and mulch in spring?

By Tina Lawlor Mottram
Preparing your soil is incredibly important for good harvests

Out of the soil come the plants whose fruit and veg you want to eat and enjoy, so you can see that all the goodness comes from there too. Experts say the ideal soil for growing vegetables is loamy – see more on soil types below. Digging your soil at this time of the year will add oxygen, help to remove pests like slugs and snails, and add fertilizers targeted at the plants you have chosen. Adding mulch will help your soil to retain moisture. Read on to make a great start to your vegetable growing this year.

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Preparing your vegetable garden for spring planting

By Tina Lawlor Mottram

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling impatient right now. The sun feels warm enough to start digging and planting on my allotment in the daytime, but the overnight temperature is discouraging. So what spring cleaning gardening and garden preparation tasks can you do now?

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When is it best to start a vegetable garden?

By Tina Lawlor Mottram
You may be tempted to get started now, but when is the best time to start.

Successful vegetable growing needs fertile soil, water, and lots of sunshine, so right now (End Feb / Early March) is the best time to start planning, not putting seeds in the ground if you live in most parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Whether you have just taken on an allotment, you are planning a school garden; you have a square foot garden in your backyard, a huge homestead plot, or a tiny urban garden, this time of year is great to buy seeds, and to prepare the soil in preparation for spring vegetable planting.

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What are the easiest vegetables to grow in the UK

By Tina Lawlor Mottram
Tina talks you through the easiest Vegetables to grow in the UK climate

Spring is fast approaching, as we can see from daffodil buds, flowering snowdrops, and crocuses, so now is the time to decide what to grow in the vegetable garden this year. Read on to see my choices for the easiest 10 vegetables suitable for growing in the UK. If you are reading in the US, USDA zones vary from 5 in parts of London to 6-7 in central zones and between 8 and 9 in Scotland.

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