VegPlotter Blog


Top 10 Winter Garden Vegetables To Grow

By Richard Lewis
Embrace the Winter Harvest: 10 Nourishing Vegetables to Thrive in Your Cold-Weather Garden!

Winter gardening can be a rewarding and exciting experience for green thumbs, even in the midst of summer. By planning ahead and sowing the right seeds in July, you can enjoy a thriving winter garden filled with delicious, homegrown vegetables during the colder months.

In this article, we'll explore the top 10 winter garden vegetables that are perfect for planting now. These hardy and cold-tolerant varieties are specially selected to withstand the chilly weather and provide you with a bountiful harvest when most gardens lie dormant.

If you would like to learn more about planning and preparing your winter garden. Then this companion article may be better for you Planning your winter garden

From vibrant leafy greens to crunchy root vegetables, these winter champions will not only survive but also thrive, adding fresh flavors and nutrition to your winter dishes. So, let's dive into the world of winter gardening and discover the perfect plants to grow in preparation for the coming frost.

Get your gardening gloves on, ready your soil, and let's begin our journey into the realm of winter vegetables that will turn your garden into a winter wonderland!

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Best Plant-and-Forget Crops for your vegetable garden

By Tina Lawlor Mottram
Cultivate a low-maintenance garden paradise with these perennial crops and flowers that thrive with minimal care.

For busy gardeners, the idea of having a garden pre-planted with perennials that thrive with minimal attention is very appealing. Let’s explore some fantastic everlasting perennial plants that keep giving and require minimum maintenance.

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Approaches to growing vegetables; Rows, raised beds, SFG, Permaculture, Hügelkultur, and Cottage gardens

By Tina Lawlor Mottram
There are many different approaches to growing vegetables we've summarised some of the most popular and interesting ones to get you started.

If you want to grow food, then it may be interesting to examine agricultural methods worldwide to help you decide the best way for you. From straight rows to raised beds to Square Foot Gardening, you can look at Permaculture, Lunar gardening, and Hügel beds. It is important not to grow the same vegetable on the same plot of the ground every day to avoid pests and soil depletion. If this sounds like gobbledegook, keep reading for five popular methods of growing vegetables in the 21st century.

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What Veggies can I grow? New Zealand

By Richard Lewis
Need some inspiration on what Veggies to grow in your area?

A wide range of fruit and vegetable crops are grown in New Zealand. They include oranges, lemons, avocados and persimmons, which grow in the warm north. Berries, olives and nuts grow in cooler areas.

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What Veggies Can I Grow? Australia

By Richard Lewis
Need some inspiration on what Veggies to grow in your area?

Australia is huge and has a very diverse set of climates. In the US growing zone terms, climates range from USDA zones 7-12 across the continent. But Australia has its own hardiness zone rating system that differs from the US. The Australian system uses the lowest temperature for an area to create zones from 1 to 7.

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