VegPlotter Blog


Embracing Winter Wildlife on Your Allotment

By Alex White

Embracing Winter Wildlife on Your Allotment: A Bounty of Benefits

Winter may seem like a time when nature retreats into hibernation, but for allotment enthusiasts, it's an opportunity to foster a haven for wildlife. As temperatures drop and gardens become dormant, your allotment can play a crucial role in supporting and nourishing local fauna. Let's explore the myriad benefits of looking after wildlife on your allotment during the winter months.

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Hold On To Your Broomsticks

By Alex White

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Life In The Trenches

By Alex White

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Green Manure

By Alex White

Green Manure: Enhancing Sustainable Agriculture

Green manure, often referred to as cover crops, is a sustainable agricultural practice that has been employed for centuries to improve soil health, boost crop yields, and reduce the environmental impact of farming. This article explores the concept of green manure, its benefits, and the various practices associated with its implementation.

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Seed Saving for a Sustainable Future

By Alex White

Saving Vegetable Seeds for a Sustainable Garden

In the quiet and bountiful month of September, there lies a golden opportunity in your allotment – one that not only preserves the legacy of your hard-earned harvest but also nurtures a sustainable future for your garden. Saving vegetable seeds is a practice deeply rooted in tradition, offering a frugal and eco-conscious means to ensure the cycle of growth endures from one season to the next.

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