VegPlotter Blog


VegPlotter Update - Measurements displayed on diagram

By Richard Lewis
We've listened to your feedback and have made it easier to get accurate measurements into our allotment planning software.

Thank you to those of you that suggested this change. We hope you find the changes useful. As always let us know if you would like us to make any changes to VegPlotter. Get in touch on any of the social media platforms or using our Contact Us Form.

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8 signs of an allotment obsession

By Richard Lewis
Is your allotment taking over the rest of your life?  Is it always on you mind? You might have an Allotment Obsession.

I've had an interest in allotments and growing fruit and veg for approximately 10 years. In that time I've noticed signs that show I'm a true allotment fanatic. Initially I thought it a phase, but I've been seeing these signs for a couple years. So I guess it's not and I've officially gone 'native' in the allotment world. The drive and interest is certainly still there.

I thought I'd share these signs and see if any one has noticed the same or similar experiance:

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Now is the time to START planning next year

By Richard Lewis
If you manage a vegetable garden or allotment. Now is the time to start planning next year whilst you remember what you missed or what is growing well.

It might seem a long way off but now is the time to start thinking about what you want to grow next year.

As allotmenteers and kitchen gardeners we often get to that point in the year where we regret not planting something. The seasonality of growing your own fruit, vegetables and flowers provides limited windows of opportunity to sow or plant out. If you're not organised that opportunity can quickly slip by especially when you're busy in the spring.

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New Version Released - Planting Improvements

By Richard Lewis
We've listened to feedback and have made a number of changes to our Free Allotment Planning Software

Since we launched in January we have had an amazing take up of our vegetable garden planner. This exceeded all our expectations. Thank you to all. We also received incredible feedback and can see that it is being used to good affect. Thank you to all those that wrote to thank us. We love to hear from you and how you are using VegPlotter.

Many kindly made suggestions too, and we have listened to each one. Today we released a new version that incorporates many of these suggested improvements. We hope you like :)

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Unique Month by Month Approach

By Richard Lewis
VegPlotter's unique month by month approach allows you to make the most of you vegetable garden or allotment. uses a unique month by month approach to planning your vegetable garden. Our allotment planner shows only the plants you have in the ground in any one month.

This approach as many advantages over other tools available. The main being it highlights where and when you have gaps. This allows you to plan for and plant follow-on crops or green manures. You then get the most from your limited growing space.

Another advantage is that it allows you to see the key jobs on your plot, right there on your VegPlotter plan! And as VegPlotter works on smartphones, right in your garden as well.

Screenshot of VegPlotters Month by Month SelectorChanging months is easy in our garden planning software. Click the arrows on our month by month selector. As you do, you'll notice that the plants in your plan change. Labels are added to those plants where you need to sow, plant out or harvest in that month.

VegPlotter's allotment planner has algorithms that calculate the planting schedules for your local climate. It also allows you to set your own schedules if needed.

Changing planting schedules

With your garden open in our planning software, click on the plant or row. This opens the Planting Details section in the right-hand menu. Here you can alter the schedule for the selected plant to suit your own plan.

So, if you are an expert grower and know what you are doing, VegPlotter does not restrict you. It provides the flexibility to set your own schedules. Or, if you're new to growing will VegPlotter sets the schedule for you to get you started.

To use VegPlotter's allotment and vegetable garden software, simply Register (it's FREE!)

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